Hazards Of Helen, The

2226. THE HAZARDS OF HELEN (1915-1916-USA). This thrill-a-minute serial was the longest running of the entire silent film era. It was produced between 1914 and 1917, and consisted of 119 almost weekly episodes. The initial 48 starred HELEN HOLMES, one of the most celebrated silent screen serial queens. Each of these delightful one-reelers features Helen as a telegraph operaÂtor employed by a railroad. Sometimes she simply performs the required heroics. Other times she becomes a damsel in distress who does not wait around to be rescued by a man. She uses her ingeÂnuity to not only extricate herself from a potentially life-threatening situation but to heroically appreÂhend the bad guys.
1. THE LEAP FROM THE WATER TOWER (1915). A surly railroad employee is fired after drinking on the job and provoking a fight. He seeks revenge by attempting a devious act of sabotage. Helen is sure to save the day by performing some daredevil acrobatics. The locomotive most prominently in evidence here is no ordinary one, it is one in a series of ten that back in 1915 were the largest engines that had ever been built.
2. THE PAY TRAIN (1915). Helen uses her wiles as she endeavors to thwart a gang of rowdies who are plotting to rob the title train.
3. IN DANGER’S PATH (1915). Helen tangles with two creepy criminals who are wanted for a boxÂcar theft.
4.THE OPEN TRACK (1916). The villains are counterfeiters who have selected a busy train station to pass off their phony money. You know they won’t succeed because Helen is on the scene. A highlight: Helen races on a motorcycle side by side with a speeding train. She manages to grab onto the train’s rear and leap on board! “Silent” films with music score. 50 minutes total. ÒSilentÓ Serial