Headline Woman; Woman In The Case

2428. THE HEADLINE WOMAN (Woman In The Case) (1935-USA). With HEATHER ANGEL, ROGER PRYOR, FORD STERLING, CONWAY TEARLE, RUSSELL HOPTON, JACK LA RUE, FRANKLYN PANGBORN, WARD BOND, GEORGE “GABBY” HAYES. A choice cast of character actor favorites teams up as newspapermen, police and thugs in this fast-paced and entertaining comedy-drama of crime and corruption. A cutthroat named Clarkey owns a crooked gambling operation. His hitmen have killed three victims in three months. A reporter on the Morning Express learns that a bumbling policeman named Hugo Meyer (played to the hilt by slapstick star Ford Sterling) actually assisted in one of the killers’ getaways. Because the Express’ editor holds a grudge against the police commissioner, the paper publicly embarrasses the police department by printing the story. The result is a full-fledged war between the cops and the press. The feud appears to be at an end when fast-talking journalist Bob Grayson finds himself present at a gambling raid in which Clarkey is murdered. Grayson alone spots an elegant beauty with a gun in her hand. He kidnaps her and calls his editor with the exclusive story. When he learns who the cutie is, dynamite is sure to explode. Attention Ward Bond fans: He plays a sedentary slug of a reporter in one of the most amusing appearances of his early screen career. 63 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense