Heat Of The Rockies

1448. HEART OFTHE ROCKIES (1937-usa). With the Three Mesquiteers, Lynn Roberts, Yakima Canutt, Hal Taliaferro (Wally Wales). During the late 1930s, the Three Mesquiteers (Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune) headlined a series of entertaining 8 Westerns. Livingston, as tough and two-fisted as he was handsome, was cast as Stoney Brooke, the MesquiteersÕ nominal leader, Corrigan, nicknamed “Crash” because of his willingness to perform a wide variety of stunts, played Tucson Smith; Terhune, as Lullaby Joslin, came along for the comic relief. Heart of the Rockies, neatly directed by veteran Joseph Kane, is a typical series entry: from its opening sequence on, there are galloping horses, exploding guns, melodramatic situationsÑall the compoÂnents of the most beloved action Westerns. This particular scenario details what happens when the Mesquiteers find that their cattle are suddenly and inexplicably dying. Are the killers the animals from a nearby national wildlife preserve-or are they of a more human variety? 53 minutes. Western