Her Silent Sacrifice

273. HER SILENT SACRIFICE (1918-USA). With ALICE BRADY, HENRY CLIVE. The eternal story Of love’s sacrifices, tragedies and joysÑtold in a stirring romantic melodrama. In a French provincial town, Arlette, a rough-hewn but attractive peasant (played by Alice Brady, one Of the most popular stars Of the early silent screen), is treated as an outcast by the superstitious villagers, who believe that she’s a witch. Her only defender is a struggling young painter, and the two form a mutually supportive friendship that develops into romance. A rich, middle-aged, and overbearingly obnoxious Prince also falls for Arlette, and Offers to make the artist famous if she would become a well-mannered lady and then marry him. Reluctantly, she agrees, and, without telling the artist about her bargain (Òher silent sacrifice”), moves to Paris and learns the ways Of high society. The painter achieves fame and fortune, while the woman he still longs for is doomed to a miserable life with a man she detests. Eventually, the two men clash, leading to a violent and startling climax, and to an ending that shows the triumphs Of true love. (Although this is a somewhat abridged version Of the original, its fine performances and tear-jerking dramatic moments still come through with considerable power.) Silent film with music score, correct protection speed. 50 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Melodrama