High School Caesar

2605. HIGH SCHOOL CAESAR (1960-USA). WIth JOHN ASHLEY, GARY VINCENT. This classic vintage drama of adolescent angst tells the colorful story of Matt Stevens (played by super cute John Ashley). Matt is a neurotic rich kid whose troubles derive from the lack of attention he has received from his parents. He acts out his anger by dominating his high school the way Caesar ruled Rome. He is the head of a gang that roughs up and shakes down his fellow students. He has the keys to every cabinet in the school and access to every test, which he sells to his classmates. Matt’s cronies even go about stuffing the ballot box, ensuring that he is elected the school’s new student body president. Among the other characters are a pert, but willful blonde who is the new girl in town; a nice guy who is attempting to get up the nerve to ask her for a date; another nice guy who is Matt’s opponent in the election; a sexy and devious bad girl who is Matt’s main squeeze; and Matt’s puppy dog-like loyal right-hand man. All of these characters come together and the result is a firecracker-hot scenario telling the manner in which this Caesar is eventually toppled from his throne. This entertaining blast from the past really captures the essence of 1950’s teen culture in all its drag-racing and sock-hopping glory. 71 minutes. Drama