High Stakes

2868. HIGH STAKES (1931-USA). With LOWELL SHERMAN (who also directed), MAE MURRAY. Joe Lennon is late for his brother Dick’s wedding. After much fuss, the ceremony is held without him. Joe is a drunken playwright who feels he has good reason to forego the festivities. His brother is a wealthy businessman who for ten years has been a widower, and is deep into middle age. Dolly, his new wife, is young enough to be his daughter…and then some! Joe does not find it at all “amusing” that someone as old as Dick would wed someone as young as Dolly. Furthermore she is flighty, and delights in spending Dick’s money. Dick does not at all mind as he is thrilled to have such a youthful and attractive bride. He even entertains visions of siring the son and heir he was unable to have with his first wife. Dolly declares her undying love for Dick, while he calls her his ‘”little angel.” However, is Dick little more than a silly old fool? This seems to be the case when it is revealed that Dolly is romantically involved with another. The plot thickens when Joe discovers this deception while accidentally observing the two lovers in an embrace. The stakes are high indeed as all these characters come together, resulting in an involving and humorous tale of deception, greed and romance. It is a special treat to see silent screen legend Mae Murray, the “Girl With The Bee-Stung Lips,” in one of her few talkies and last movie roles. 69 minutes Comedy