His First Command

1211. HIS FIRST COMMAND (1929-USA). With WILLIAM BOYD, DOROTHY SEBASTIAN. Directed by GREGORY LA CAVA. Before attaining popularity as Hopalong Cassidy, rugged William Boyd appeared in a variety Of leading roles in both silent and early sound productions. In His First Command, he’s amusingly cast as Terry Culver, playboy son Of a successful businessman, who’s been living the high life in Manhattan. It’s time that he settles into a career, and so he finds himself in Kansas, scheduled to take charge Of the local branch Of his father’s rubber company. Terry becomes smitten with Judy Gaylord (Dorothy Sebastian, who in 1930 became Mrs. William Boyd) daughter Of an army cavalry Officer. She’s unimpressed with his impudence; after she informs him that “army women confine their romances to army circles,” he up and enlists! Terry’s a real powder puff, Of course, and he needs to be broken into the army way Of life. He WMS Judy, who’s at first unresponsive: she even requests that the expensive orchids he’s been sending her be fed to a horse. How Terry learns humility and finally wins Judy’s affection is the highlight Of this charming romantic story. 60 minutes. Romance