Hollywood Without Make-Up
869. HOLLYWOOD WITHOUT MAKE-UP (c. 1962-USA). Produced by and featuring KEN MURRAY, When Ken Murray, an aspiring Vaudevillian, came to Hollywood in the early 1930’s, he brought with him a 15mm camera. Ken was one of the first home movie fans, but his home movies were taken of dozens of Hollywood stars who willingly posed, joked, mugged, made faces, threw snowballs and fell into swimming pools for him. Taking these “home movies” for over 30 years. Ken accumulated a priceless document of Hollywood’s greatest stars at work and at play. An absolute must for anyone who has enjoyed the performances of THE MARX BROTHERS, CLARK GABLE, LAUREL AND HARDY, DICK POWELL, JOE E. BROWN, MAE WEST, JACKIE COOPER, CARY GRANT, MARY PICKFORD AND CLARA BOW. But there’s much more, here is a never to be duplicated opportunity to watch at work and play: KIRK DOUGLAS, TOM MIX, JOHNNY MACK BROWN, HOPALONG CASSIDY, HUMPHREY BOGART, JUNE ALLYSON, ERROL FLYNN, JOHNNY WEISMULLER, LUCILLE BALL, BOB HOPE, ROBERT TAYLOR, BOB CUMMINGS, CHARLES FARRELL, VAN JOHNSON, DONNA REED, JOHN WAYNE, WALT DISNEY and MARILYN MONROE. Ken also narrates his movies taken at “San Simeon” while it was still being built. These rare scenes feature its millionaire owner WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST fooling around “on camera” with MARIE DRESSLER, MARION DAVIES, CHARLIE CHAPLIN and many more. Ken’s cigar and crewcut were his famous trademarks through the years, but his home movies will long be remembered as a priceless souvenir of Hollywood’s Golden Age. Highly recommended. 51 minutes. Documentary-Variety