I Eat Your Skin; Voodoo Bloodbath

2528. I EAT YOUR SKIN (Voodoo Bloodbath) (1964-USA). Be sure not to eat dinner before feasting your eyes on this lurid, incomprehensibly corny chiller, which is as hilariously silly as its title. The film opens with a curvaceous, scantily-clad damsel doing a fiery erotic dance. This is just the beginning of a sacred voodoo rite that ends with her being beheaded! Cut to Miami Beach, where the calypso beat is hot, and sun-baked tourists relax by a swimming pool. Quite a few are sexy young women who have caught the eye of our hero, a hunk named Harris. He is a playboy novelist who has been too busy womanizing to meet his latest deadline. His best friend has arranged for him to take refuge on a remote Caribbean island, where he might find seclusion and churn out his next best-seller. For good reason, this tropical paradise is called Voodoo Island. Its natives are known to practice voodoo and perform human sacrifices. The landscape is rife with poisonous snakes. Rumor has it that the island is populated by an army of walking dead. Harris is unenthused about Voodoo Island until he is informed that it also counts among its populace “virgin natives.” “Interesting,” is his observation upon hearing this enticing news, and so he becomes a willing island traveler. Will his fate there be heavenly, as he meets the woman of his dreams? More than likely, it will be hellish, as he encounters eerie voodoo drums and deliriously cornball zombie killersÑand much, much more. 81 minutes. Horror