
1931. IMPACT (1949-USA). With BRIAN DONLEVY, ELLA RAINES, HELEN WALKER, CHARLES COBURN, ANNA MAY WONG, MAE MARSH. Brian Donlevy sure has it bad in this intelligent, engrossing, craftily-plotted suspense thriller. He is cast as Walter Williams, top production man for a large auto company, a hard-working go-getter who had started out with his company a decade before as a sheet metal worker and has just pulled off a major business coup. Walt may be constantly on the go, but he dearly loves his wife, Irene, whom he showers with the clothes and jewelry she craves. However, Irene’s friendly demeanor and wifely devotion are fraudulent Unbeknownst to Walt, she is a deceitful shrew who has taken on a lover. That’s not all: wifey and her boyfriend have concocted a deceptively simple scheme which, they hope, will result in WaltÕs death. Only trouble is things do not quite turn out as Irene and her lover have planned. To explain how and why would diminish the film’s impact but, suffice to say, there are plenty of plot twists and turns which slowly, inexorably build to a fever pitch. While the film is solidly acted and directed, the ever-dependable character actor Charles Coburn deserves a special kudos for his wily performance as a no-nonsense cop who is determined to unearth the truth. 106 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense