It Happened In New Orleans; Rainbow On The River

29. IT HAPPENED IN NEW ORLEANS (Rainbow on the River) (1936-usa). WITH BOBBY BREEN, MAY ROBSON, LOUISE BEAVERS, ALAN MOWBRAY, BENITA HUME, CHARLES BUTTER- WORTH, EDDIE “ROCHESTER” ANDERSON. A nostalgic, sentimental drama with music, set in beautiful old New Orleans in the 1870’s. A young boy has been lovingly raised by a devoted ex-slave following the deaths Of his parents in the Civil War. His idyllic life down South fishing, selling flowers, and singing with the black: on the leveeÑis abruptly ended when he goes to live with his Yankee grandmother in New York City, immediately encounters hostile relatives, who warn him out Of the way so they can inherit the old lady’s fortune. Cantankerous grandma at first does everything possible to resist the boy, but she is inevitably won over by his charm, his banjo strumming, his lovely singing, and even his dancing mice! Cute little Bobby Breen performs “Swanee River” and other Dixie melodies, as well as “Ave Maria” and the popular title song (“RainÂbow on the River”). Watch for “Rochester” in a cameo appearance as an irascible old doctor. A heartwarming and thoroughly delightful piece Of Americana. 83 minutes. Music