It’s Love Again

2690. IT’S LOVE AGAIN (1936-England). With JESSIE MATTHEWS, ROBERT YOUNG, SARA ALLGOOD. This snappy musical-comedy-romance also works as a keenly observed satire of high society ethics and the manner in which the media can mindlessly make or break a celebrity. Its star is Jessie Matthews, who was one of England’s most popular musical performers in the 1930s. She is cast as Elaine Bradford, an ambitious and talented young woman who yearns for a career on the stage. Elaine comes upon journalist Peter Calton (nicely played by a very young Robert Young). For him, it is love at first sight. However, Elaine ever elusively manages to run off and disappear. It just so happens that Peter is penning a society column. He decides to concoct a fictitious female celebrity: Mrs. Smythe-Smythe, an alluring and mysterious Jill-of-all-trades who is an adroit aviator, a great huntress and expert interpreter of exotic Indian dances. Soon, the power of the press turns Mrs. Smyihe-Smythe into a celebrity, even though she does not exist! Meanwhile, Elaine originates a brilliant scheme that she hopes will put her in the limelight. As no one has ever seen Mrs. Smythe-Smythe, she dons a fancy costume and veil and begins appearing in public as the enigmatic heroine. Elaine figures that she will be exposed when the real Mrs. S. arrives on the scene. Her hope is that she will then be able to secure a powerful manager who can launch her career. Plenty of comical and romantic complications follow, and a grand time is sure to be had by all. See if you can find a young extra named Terry-Thomas! 79 minutes. Musical Comedy