Jeasus Of Nazareth

1517. JESUS Of NAZARETH (1928-USA). “The Story Of the Saviour’s Life”. A realistic, thoroughly detailed dramatic recreation Of the life Of Christ, from the Annunciation through the Ascension. In between, there is the “King Of the Jews’ ” infancy and youth, his various preachings and miracles and, finally, his betrayal by Judas Iscariot, his delivery before Pontius Pilate, and the Crucifixion-the latter Of which is especially moving, as well as the film’s highlight. The titles, which lucidly describe the proceedings, are taken from appropriate descriptive passages in the Bible. Ultimately, Jesus Of Nazareth is a religious epic thatÕs as educational as it is stirring. Silent film with original organ score, correct projection speed, 85 minutes. Religious Drama