Judy Judy Judy

691. JUDY, JUDY, JUDY (April 1949, February 1964, Sept. 24, 195S-USA). PARTIAL COLOR. The ultimate JUDY GARLAND program. Rare footage shot for “Annie Get Your Gun” but never released; out-takes, re-takes and second-takes. The same scenes several times over, as Judy gamely shoots the same songs and dances over and over again. The director’s voice is dearly heard giving directions. Plus-the theatrical trailer for “Annie Get Your Gun” with BETTY HUTTON, (who was given the part after MGM fired Judy). Also Judy In Concert (February, 1964), an except from the Judy Garland Show on CBS-TV, singing all those tunes for which she’s best remembered and an excerpt from the Ford Star Jubilee (Sept. 24, 19S5). The audio leaves much to be desired, but when Judy does “Over The Rainbow” (could she ever do it too much?) breaking into tears and ruining her makeup, you won’t notice the imperfections in this rare tape. 61 minutes total. Music