Jungle Book

129. Jungle Book (1942-usA). Color. With sabu, Joseph calleia, rosemary de camp, john QUALEN, RALPH BVRD. Directed by ZOLTAN KORDA. Based on the classic by RUDYARD KIPLING. The famous story Of the struggle between man and nature is transferred to the screen with all Of the magic, exciteÂment and visual splendor for which the Korda brothers (producer Alexander, production designer Vincent, diÂrector Zoltan) were famous. Sabu stars as Mowgli, the boy raised by wolves after straying, as an infant, from his village. Years later, a tiger chases him out Of the jungle, and he encounters “civilization;” with all Of its greed and destructiveness. Mowgli struggles to protect a vast treasure, which he has discovered in an ancient, abandoned jungle city, from the avaricious villagers; and at the same time, he stalks his enemy, the fearsome tiger. This colorful film plunges you into a jungle so real you could swear the leopards, elephants and crocoÂdiles are all around you. There is one gorgeous sight and thrilling scene after another, including Mowgli’s breathtaking rides on elephants, his agonizing battle with the tiger, his encounter with a talking cobra who protects the treasure in a haunted cave, and the climactic, spectacular fire that consumes the village. SumpÂtuous production values, marvelous special effects, and MIKLOS ROSZA’S lavish score help make this an unÂforgettable experience. Along with “The Wizard Of Oz” and “E.T.,” this is truly one Of the few children’s fantasies that can be appreciated by audiences Of all ages. 107 minutes. Drama