Jungle Bride

1487. JUNGLE BRIDE (1933-USA). With CHARLES STARRETT, ANITA PAGE. A likable, frequently moving drama and adventure featuring handsome, personable, athletic Charles Starrett, who was soon to become a durable cowboy star in dozens Of Westerns. He’s cast as Gordon Wayne, a man falsely accused Of murdering a cop. Of course, he is innocent nonetheless, he has taken it on the lam to South Africa. Newspaper reporter John Franklin has been deputized, and is attempting to bring Wayne to justice. Franklin (who is sorely lacking in a sense Of humor and humanity) is engaged to Doris (sexy Anita Page), whose brother has been imprisoned for Wayne’s “crime.” All three find themselves aboard a luxury liner, which promptly explodes and sinks. They are washed ashore, and must fend for themselves amid dangerous, uncharted terrain inhabited by monkeys, birds, rhinos, tigers-a place where “the law Of the jungle” rules. Among the highlights: the shipwreck sequence, which is especially well-staged; Starrett wrestling with a hungry lion; and the scantily clad Page preparing for a bath and comforting Starrett after his ordeal with the lion. 63 minutes. Adventure Drama