Kill Baby Kill; Curse Of The Living Dead

2639. KILL, BABY…KILL! (Curse Of The Living Dead) (1966-ltaly) COLOR. Directed and co-scripted by MARIO BAVA. The horror movies of director Marro Bava have developed a fervent cult following among fright film fans. Bava was an expert at taking an otherwise standard story and transforming it into a stylishly made and bone- chilling fright fest. Here is one of his more outstanding chillers, which is certain to have you squirming in your chair. The setting is an eerie Transylvanfan village whose townsfolk lately have been numbed by a succession of strange and unexplained deaths. It seems that a young girl employed as a maid had written a letter to a police commissioner imploring his help, “Please come at once because I feel the next one to die will be me,” were her anguished words. However, by the time the officer arrived, the maid was dead. The villagers all are suspicious and distrustful, and none will respond to the Commissioner’s questions. He had requested a coroner to perform an autopsy; and as the film opens, the doctor arrives on the scene. His name is Paul Eswai, and he is drop-dead handsome. With the help of a beautiful village native named Monica Schuftan, Eswai performs the autopsy. What they find is most unusual and shocking: a coin, which had been implanted into the victim’s heart! “I can’t explain it,” observes the coroner. “How can anyone have put this into her heart?” The scenario goes on to involve shadowy figures and mysterious footsteps in the night, a villainess with a startling motive for mayhem…and indescribable horror! Dubbed in English. 84 minutes. Horror