Ladies Crave Excitement

2445. LADIES CRAVE EXCITEMENT (1935-USA). With NORMAN FOSTER, EVALYN KNAPP, ERIC LINDEN, ESTHER RALSTON, JASON ROBARDS Sr., GEORGE “GABBY” HAYES. From its clever opening credits on, this is a delightfully entertaining and lightning- paced drama of the lives and conflicts of daredevil newsreel cameramen. It opens quite literally with a bang: an explosion whose ka-boom is being recorded by fearless photographers. “Stories are breaking all the time and we’re gonna have em,” barks blustery Union Newsreel managing editor Amos Starke. His top photog is Dan Phelan, a steadfast professional who is renowned for eliciting the human element on his assignments. One day Dan sets out to cover an air show whose program is rudely interrupted by a surprise appearance on the part of a thrill-seeking female aviatrist. She is rich and frivolous Wilma Howe, daughter of the owner of a rival newsreel company. Dan is less than thrilled by Wilma’s antics as she disrupts the show. To him she is little more than a spoiled and pampered child. At the same time Wilma professes that she is bored. “Daddy, I want to do something,” she tells her father, who allows her to take a job at his stables. Wilma and Dan are destined to meet, and he begins courting her without knowing her true identity. The scenario goes on to involve chicaner at the racetrack and a spirited competition between the two newsreel outfits along with various misunderstandings and surprises and other sundry chills and thrills. 51 minutes. Drama