Last Woman On Earth

2312. LAST WOMAN ON EARTH (1960-usa). Color. WITH Betsy Jones Moreland, Antony Carbone, Edward Wain (Robert Towne). Screenplay by Towne. Directed and produced by Roger Corman. Harold is a shyster businessman who is forever in trouble with the authorities and has just been indicted in a housing scandal. He and his sultry-but-bored wife Evelyn are vacationing in Puerto Rico. They are joined by Harold’s lawyer Martin, who soberingly advises his client to “pay more attention to the law.” For the time being Harold decides to put business aside and take Evelyn and Martin on a scuba diving expedition. Upon coming to the surface after a dive, they notice that the air seems mysterious and odd. The trio in fact must keep on their gas masks in order to breathe. Aboard the boat they find the corpse of Manuel, the local who had been assisting them. They next discover that they can neither light matches nor reach anyone on the boat’s radio. Something really weird has happened! When these characters get back on shore they find no one, not a living soul. They quickly realize that they now inhabit “a world of dead bodies.” With two very different men and one very flirtatious woman left alive on earth, you know the sexual fireworks will come fast and furious. This intriguing science fiction drama/romantic triangle also is noteworthy as the first script authored by the esteemed and award-winning screenwriter Robert Towne. He also makes his acting debut billed as “Edward Wain,” playing the role of Martin. 64 minutes. Science Fiction