Lay That Rifle Down

2393. LAY THAT RIFLE DOWN (1955-usA). With JUDY CANOVA, ROBERT LOWERY, RICHARD DEACON. Forever-smiling Judy Canova always will be everybody’s favorite pigtailed country bumpkin comedienne. Her charming presence brightens this fetching Cinderella fable. Judy plays a character named Judy Canova, an unglamorous drudge who toils in the small-town hotel owned by her snooty and thoroughly odious Aunt Sarah, What’s more, Judy barely can afford to pay the taxes on the old family farmhouse and the greedy local banker is just about to seize the property from her. Nonetheless, Judy remains sweet and kindly and charitable; she has in fact taken in a trio of young orphans whom she houses on the farm. The scenario involves Judy’s “phantom boyfriend,” whom she makes up to deflect the insults of Aunt Sarah and other characters who are meant to personify Cinderella’s mean stepsisters. A slick and handsome stranger arrives in town and does Judy a good turn by impersonating said fellow. However, Judy is unaware that he is a con man, which leads to all sorts of complications. Along the way, Judy gets to sing and dance and move her elastic body to great comic effect. 70 minutes Comedy