Lights Out

2096. LIGHTS OUT (1951-1950-USA). NBC-TV net. Two complete live-TV broadcasts, sponsored, by Admiral. Both programs are hosted by FRANK GALLOP.
1. LIGHTS OUT (April 23, 1950). “Just What Happened,” with JOHN HOWARD, RICHARD PURDY. Who threw Carlo Melius out the window? A strange case that involves teleportation…and they do it on live television!
2. LIGHTS OUT (April 30,1951). “Grey Reminder,” with BEATRICE STRAIGHT, JOHN NEWLAND. An attorney continually receives mysterious letters at his home. His wife wonders who they’re from and what they say. The letters are from his dead wife…and she’s coming back! Two mysterious dramas, produced as-you-saw-it on live television. 57 minutes total. Television Suspense