Lost Honeymoon

2136. LOST HONEYMOON (1947-USA). WITH franchot tone, ann richards, tom CONWAY, FRANCES RAFFERTY. This effervescent marital farce features the cleverest Of premises. A British war bride named Tillie has just died, yet her ex-G.I. American husband is unaware that he is a widower. Neither does he know that he is the father Of adorable twin toddlers. How is this possiÂble? It seems that the man in question, up-and -coming young architect Johnny Gray, had bumped his head during a London air raid. For six weeks Gray was afflicted with amnesia. During this time he met and married Tillie. As Gray went Off with his unit, she promptly became a “girl he left behind.” Before she died, Tillie had been unsuccessfully trying to locate Gray through the Red Cross. Enter one Amy Atkins, who decides to take matters into her own hands in an effort to force Gray to accept responsiÂbility for his Offspring. She pastes her own picture into the late Mrs. Gray’s passport so that she can impersonate the deceased and bring the children to America to reunite them with their unsuspecting father. Meanwhile, Gray (who Of course has no memory Of his marriage) is set to wed a society girl. Will Gray end up having to live with a wife who for all intents and purposes he hasn’t even met? More to the point, will he be living with a “Mrs. Johnny Gray” who is an impostor? 70 minutes. Comedy