Lost Zeppelin, The

2039. THE LOST ZEPPEL1N (1929-usa). WITH Conway Tearle, Virginia Valu, Ricardo CORTEZ. Fascinating early talkie melodrama, which serves to effectively unite passion and heroism, high-powered adventure with artful sets and impressive special effects. It is the story of navy comÂmander Donald Hall, a world-famous explorer who also is a middle-aged man with a beautiful young wife named Miriam. On the night before he is to set off on his latest and most daring South Pole expedition, the commander is guest-of-honor at a banquet. He attends it in the company of Miriam and Tom Armstrong, a dashing young lieutenant who is his protŽgŽ. Amid the festivities, Miriam takes Tom aside and confides to him her fears regarding the excursion’s dangers. It is a moment in which a wife and her husband’s best friend feel vulnerable. They kiss. They kiss again. The commander happens to walk in on them. He is stunned. What follows is a trenchant tale of tanÂgled emotions in which the three main characters must eventually sort out their feelings. Then there is the expedition itself. The commander and his crew set off in a gigantic state-of-the-art zeppelin, which is sure to weather the severest of winters in AntarcticaÑthey hope. 73 minutes Adventure