Love Laughs At Andy Hardy

2016. LOVE LAUGHS AT ANDY HARDY (1946-usa). With mickey rooney, lewis STONE, SARA HADEN, BONITA GRANVILLE, FAY HOLDEN. This delightful entry in the Academy Award-winning series features Mickey Rooney as the likable naive and ever-so-typical All-American teenager coming of age in the small town of Carvel. This was way back “when,” rock ‘n roll and juvenile delinquency were nonexistent. Here, Andy is a bit older than in the other series entries (which were made prior to World War II). His high school days are long behind him. In fact, he had been enrolled in Wainright College before being drafted and serving two years in the military. The first shot in the film is of a photo of Andy in uniform, which informs audiences familiar with the series of Andy’s life during the war. Symbolically, it is the first day of the New Year. Andy has been separatÂed from the service and arrives home to a tearful but happy family reunion. Despite our hers supÂposed newly obtained worldliness, he quickly proves to be as ingenuous as ever. Andy plans to re-enroll at Wainright where he will graduate and then go on to law school. However, he is just as equally anxious to return there because he is planning to propose marriage to pretty coed Kay Wilson. “A man could look the rest of his life for a girl like you,” he tells Kay upon first seeing her. What Andy does not know is that Kay has romantic ideas of her own, none of which include him. The film is endearingly comical as Andy finds himself confronted by a host of hilarious situations. At the same time it is as equally touching as it focuses on Andy’s dreams and vulnerability. RooneyÕs letÂter perfect performance confirms why he had become one of Hollywood’s biggest box office draws. Lewis Stone is on hand as Andy’s strict but sympathetic dad, James K. Hardy. Fay Holden is his conÂstantly fretting mom, who still thinks of Andy as an innocent babe. Sara Haden is his Aunt Millie, while former child star Bonita Granville is most attractive in the role of Kay. 92 minutes. Drama