Love Moods; Bedroom Fantasy, A

2607. LOVE MOODS and A BEDROOM FANTASY (1952-1953-usA) COLOR. Two delightful short subjects with the delightful Lili St. Cyr, who has fantastic legs, a great body and well deserved her postwar reputation as “America’s number one box office attraction.” While some might debate that claim, there’s no denying that the tantalizing glimpses of Miss St. Cyr’s perfect form kept the box office busy. 1. LOVE MOODS (1952). “A Ballet Pantomine” (sic), with LILI ST. CYR. “Exactly as presented on the world-famous Sunset Strip in Hollywood. Featuring Miss St. Cyr’s celebrated bubble bath.” Lili dresses and undresses, dresses and undresses and takes a bath. It looks much better than it sounds. Her wardrobe is spectacular, and she has all the right moves.
2. A BEDROOM FANTASY (1953). “The original creation of the incomparable Lili St. Cyr, exactly as presented at the world famous Follies Theatre.” The film features The Folliettes (a troup of well-endowed cancan girls), and The Duponts (a dance team, not the chemical company). Lili’s all alone in her boudoir (except for her maid), doing her pre-morpheus exercises, when her phone rings. We can’t hear the conversation, but it’s easy to tell he has a very positive effect on beautiful Lili. Removing the rest of her negligee, we catch a tempting peek before bedtime. Two short films displaying the charms of a beautiful lady. 33 minutes total. Ecdysiasm