Lure Of The Sila

1136. LURE Of THE SILA (1949-Italy). With SILVANA MANGANO, AMEDEO NAZZARI, VITTORIO GASSMANN. Produced by DINO DeLAURENTIIS. An engrossing, subtly sensual tale Of unfulfilled love, passion, revenge and death, set amid the quietly beautiful forests and streams Of Calabria in Southern Italy. Vittorio Gassmann (in one Of his earliest screen appearances) desires the company Of a young maiden, the sister Of a chauvinistic, egomaniacal landowner played by Amedeo Nazzari. Against his wishesÑ”I never allow any woman to leave this house at night without my knowledge,Ó he pronounces- the pair share an innocent interlude. Gassmann is falsely accused Of murder; his lady love is so intimidated by her brutish brother that she refrains from providing him with an alibi, and the result is tragedy for him and his mother. Years pass, and his kid sister has grown into the serenely beautiful, seemingly innocent Silvana Mangano (who was all Of 19 when this film was released). Nazzari comes upon her one day, frozen in the snow, and hires her as a servant. She fits into his household and sets upon a plan Of revenge, resulting in a climax that is shocking, suspenseful, and utterly shattering. As Mangano explains, ÒThe souls Of the innocent can find no peace until they’re avenged!” Dubbed in English. 72 minutes Drama