Mad About Money

2417. MAD ABOUT MONEY (1937-England). With LUPE VELEZ, BEN LYON, WALLACE FORD, HARRY LANGDON. This bright, smart musical concoction features Mexican-born bombshell Lupe Velez at her spiciest. She is cast to perfection as Carla de Huelva, a showgirl who has disguised herself as a wealthy South American cattle baroness. Roy Harley and Peter Jackson are a pair of harried moviemakers who are under intense pressure to come up with enough coin to finance their latest project so that they might get it started on schedule. They think that Cattle Queen Carla and her wallet just may be the answer to their prayers. Jackson sets out to charm Carla, while Harley becomes romantically entangled with her old friend Diana West, a talented and level-headed nightclub performer. The complications and surprises, romantic and otherwise, steadily mount while one musical number proves to be snappier than the next. Famed silent screen laugh-getter Harry Langdon plays a key supporting role as Otto, a wealthy but comically inept brewery owner who impacts mightily on the proceedings. 74minutes. Musical Comedy