Man From Music Mountain

2580. MAN FROM MUSIC MOUNTAIN (1938-USA). With GENE AUTRY, SMILEY BURNETTE. Musical cowboy favorite Gene Autry teams with his chubby comical sidekick Smiley Burnette for this lively western adventure. The story opens as newspaper headlines shout the completion of the construction of Arizona’s Boulder Dam. In the old mining town of Gold River, a con man named Scanlon is buying up available properties for quick resale to city folks at exorbitant prices. Scanlon falsely advertises that electric power and hydraulic energy will be turning Gold River into a boom town. Hundreds of naive investors believe his lies and spend their entire savings to purchase homes and businesses there. Even Frog Millhouse (the character played by Burnette) spends his nest egg to become the proprietor of an electrical gadgets store. Autry (whose character is strangely called “Gene Autry”) learns that no power lines are forthcoming. He warns the new residents of Gold River, but they do not listen. Aulry aims to put Scanlon out of business and behind bars. The clever plotting in this action and fun-filled oater will keep you guessing all the way to the final moments. Plus, there are hilarious sequences, including one in which Frog and his pals have their hair curled and nails painted at a beauty salon! 53 minutes. Western