Man Named Rocca, A

2919. A MAN NAMED ROCCA (1961-France). With JEAN-PAUL BELMONDO, CHRISTINE KAUFMANN. In the 1960s, Jean-Paul Belmondo became one of France’s most charismatic and popular movie stars. He was at his best in roles as hip and tough anti-heroes, with his screen persona favorably compared to that of Humphrey Bogart. Belmondo shines on this cold-blooded crime drama. He plays Roberto La Rocca, a man who is most comfortable with a gun in his hand and a scowl across his face. At the outset, Roberto receives word that a close friend who had been involved with racketeers and a gambling house has been arrested for murder. Even though the police have uncovered a good deal of evidence linking this friend to the crime, Roberto is convinced his pal was framed. He sets out to uncover the truth and immediately is led to Villanova, his friend’s cold-blooded and insanely jealous “associate.” Roberto does not endear himself to Villanova when he immediately charms and beds the letter’s beautiful girlfriend. “You’re in for a very bad time now,” Villanova promises Roberto. What the audience is in for is one sizzling crime drama with surprises galore and atmosphere to spare, which gets plenty of mileage out of Belmondo’s undeniably rugged and super-cool screen persona. Dubbed in English. 106 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense