Manxman, The

1166. THE MANXMAN (1929-England). With CARL BRISSON. Directed by ALFRED HITCHCOCK. Hitchcock’s ninth film, and final silent feature, is a poetic, emotionally intense and absorbing tale of love thwarted by ambition, and the responsibilities of friendship. Peter Christian, a fisherman, and Philip Quillian, a lawyer, have beer best pals since childhood; they “met as boys and grew up as brothers,” and both reside on the Isle of Man. Peter asks Philip to approach the father of Kate Caesar, and ask for her hard in marriage. Philip also loves the beautiful Kate, but he complies with his friend’s request out of loyally. Peter treks off to Africa, to earn enough money for the marriÂage. Philip and Kate, meanwhile, commence an affair- [he sequences detailing their blossoming romance are especially lyrical-and, when word comes that Peter has died at sea. Kale happily plans to wed Philip. The lawyer, though, refuses, as he docs not want to marry below his class. Peter, who is really still alive, returns to take Kate’s hand. She beats a son-who is really Philip’s-and the series of events which follow are both ironic and haunting. Carl Brisson’s amazing career began as a middleweight boxing champion and continued after six years as a leading man in sound films as a crooner, radio detective and star on Broadway! Overall, THE MANXMAN offers I rare and rewarding opportunity to view (he early work of a master filmmaker, in the process of honing his craft. Silent film with music score, correct projection speed. 129 minutes. Hitchcock