Married Women, The; Le Femme Mariee

240. THE MARRIED Woman (LA Femme MariŽe) (1964-France). With Macha Meril. Written and directed by jean-LUC Godard. Nobody makes movies like Jean-Luc Godard! Although his radical approaches to characterization, narrative structure and film technique have influenced many directors, he remains unique. In this highly acclaimed film, Godard transforms a familiar situation-a woman torn between her husband and her lover-into a refreshingly original experience. The opening title, “Fragments Of a Film Shot in 1964,” indicates its experimental nature. “Fragments” is the correct word for the first scene, introducing the woman and her lover through brief close ups Of nude legs, backs, hands and other body parts against a white background. Throughout the film, scenes are punctuated by fragments Of whispered conversations-or by glimpses Of magazine ads, billboards, photos and other graphic elements (which comment on the characters and plot, convey the theme Of an over commercialized society, and turn the film into a fascinating collage). Godard photographs sequences with the camera turned on its side, or switches abruptly to negative images, or uses long takes to pan back and forth as he follows people in and out Of rooms. Events are sometimes completely interrupted as characters deliver monologues about life, love, sex and art. Godard wants to remind us that we’re watching a film, not reality; yet while it is endistancing it is also moving (and even erotic). A very rewarding entertainment for those with open minds and taste for unconventional cinema. Nobody makes movies like Jean-Luc Godard! (Note: a scratch is noticeable through much Of an otherwise fine print.) Dubbed in English. 95 minutes. Drama