Miss Tatlock’s Millions

2603. MISS TATLOCK’S MILLIONS (1948-USA). With JOHN LUND, WANDA HENDRIX, BARRY FITZGERALD, MONTY WOOLLEY, ROBERT STACK, ILKA CHASE. Directed by RICHARD HAYDN. A rough-and-tumble stuntman named Burke earns $150 for each fall he executes during the filming of a Hollywood action flick. One day, a colorful old Irishman named Noonan offers to hire Burke for a special job. Noonan explains that he had been looking after Schuyler Tatlock, an addle-brained rich boy, but had lost track of him somewhere in Hawaii. Now Tatlock’s presence is required back home for the reading of a will. It so happens that Burke bears a striking resemblance to Tatlock, who had not visited the family estate in over a decade. Noonan is willing to pay Burke to impersonate Tatlock. He is certain that his scheme is foolproof and nothing can possibly go wrong. Or can it? Schuyler Tatlock is supposed to be nutty: Noonan tells Burke, ”You’re impersonating a man who once broke up a Thanksgiving dinner because he thought he was the turkey.” However, wait until you meet Tatlock’s family! The plot thickens for Burke when he finds himself attracted to none other than Nancy Tatlock, his “sister”-and the sole rational and likable one in the group. This sparkling screwball comedy is crammed with surprises and is certain to leave you all smiles. It is smoothly performed by one and all and deflly directed by Richard Haydn, a British comedian making his debut behind the camera. Haydn (billed as “Richard Rancyd”) even appears on-screen in a supporting role as the lawyer who reads the will. As the film opens, watch for cameo appearances by RAY MILLAND and director MITCHELL LEISEN! CAUTION: This film is below our usual quality standards. 96 minutes. Screwball Comedy