Modern Railroading Of The 1960’s

2923. MODERN RAILROADING OF THE 1960s (1960s-USA) COLOR. TWO films produced for the AssociaLion Of American Railroads and narrated by famed newscaster CHET HUNTLEY.
1. NEW DIRECTIONS IN MODERN RAILROADING. How are railroads changing in the 1960s, and what will they be like in the “future”? “The art of railroading takes on the aspect of pure science,” says Mr. Huntley, and it’s obvious many changes have been made in railroading’s first century.
2. SCIENCE RIDES THE HIGH IRON. A look at all the new innovations that have changed the look of railroading. Seamless rails a quarter-mile long, the reduction of curves and grades, new custom use boxcars, piggy-back flat-beds and many more. Remember, even a rocket to the moon will begin its journey on tracks of steel!
52 minutes total. Railroading