Most Dangerous Game, The; Hounds Of Zaroff

823. THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (Hounds Of Zaroff) (1932-USA). WITH JOEL McCREA, FAY WRAY, LESLIE BANKS, ROBERT ARMSTRONG. Music by Max Sleiner. An evil Russian Count living in a gothic castle all alone on a South Pacific Island, likes to hunt. In fact, his appreciation of hunting so great that he now hunts the “most dangerous game”Ñman himself, After being shipwrecked on the island a famous hunter finds himself the hunted, trying to survive the night in a hostile jungle. An exciting adventure, made even more so by the spirit of King Kong. The sets are the same, most of the castle is the same, and alÂthough the giant monkey may be missing, taut direction and a lightning pace make this a survival-adventure classic. 63 minutes. Drama Adventure