Motion Picture History Of The Korean War, A

2594. A MOTION PICTURE HISTORY OF THE KOREAN WAR (c. 1954-USA). Produced by the U.S. Army. This comprehensive history of what was officially a “police action” is clear, concise and has the advantage of using vast amounts of seldom seen combat footage. The war started June 25, 1950, a cease-fire was signed July 27, 1953. In between was a lot of blood, killing and suffering. Seen from an American point of view (even though “our side” was nominally the United Nations). The fighting is put in perspective, from the initial communist incursion over the 38th parallel to General MacArthur’s comments while signing the cease-fire agreement, this “history” graphically shows the “why” as well as the “how” of the war. 56 minutes. War Documentary