Mozart Story, The

39.THE MOZART STORY (1937-Austria). With HANS HOLT, WINNIE MARKUS, WILTON GRAFF, CURD JUERGENS (CURT JERGENS). Music by THE VIENNA PHILHARMONIC. Lovers Of classical music, opera and European costume drama will especially want to see this vibrant biography Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the legendary 18th Century Austrian composer who gave the world “The Marriage Of Figaro, “”The Magic Flute,” “Don Giovanni” and other masterpieces. The scenario chronicles the various triumphs and disappointments in the romantic, creative and prOfessional life Of this musical genius, who’s described here as “a heavenly instrument on earth” and who died in 1791 at the all-too- young age Of 35. A key to the story is the intense rivalry between Mozart and the weak, jealous Salieri, a tenth-rate court composer who is fanatically envious Of Mozart’s musicianship and creative abilities. At every turn Salieri conspires to thwart Mozart’s career, and deny him the opportunity and acclaim he deserves. Finally, the soundtrack is crammed with the music Of Mozart and other period composers, magnificently rendered by the Vienna Philharmonic. Dubbed into English. 95 minutes. Drama