Murder On The High Seas; Love Bound; Souls For Sables

2402. MURDER ON THE HIGH SEAS (Love Bound) (Souls For Sables) (1932-USA). With JACK MULHALL, NATALIE MOORHEAD, CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, MONTAGUE LOVE. Blackmailing femme fatale Verna Wilson shakes down unsuspecting millionaire John Randolph for over $100,000 in a public lawsuit. As a result of the scandal, Randolph’s wife of many years suffers to the point of abandoning the marriage. Just when Verna ought to be celebrating success of her scam, she receives a telegram stating a former lover has sprung prison and is on her trail. To escape him she books passage on the “Romania,” the first boat leaving for Europe. What Verna does not realize is that she is being stalked by another man. He is handsome Dick Randolph son of the slandered millionaire. Randolph has vowed revenge to clear his family’s name. Under various poses, Verna along with Randolph and her jailbird sweetheart meet aboard the “Romania.’ Each has an agenda, the sum total of which will lead to a startling murder on the high seas! Jack Mulhall is in top form as the ardent son who will stop at nothing lo redeem his father’s reputation while Natalie Moorhead sizzles as the evil temptress whose life until now has been a series of appalling acts. This crime melodrama is brimming with excitement and suspense. 60 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense