Nazis, Lest We Forget

1. NURNBERG UND SEIN LEHRE (Nuremberg and Its Lesson) (1949-Germany).On November 21,1945, accused Nazi war criminals were placed on trial at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Germany. The authentic footage in this film documents the trial and graphically illustrates atrocities perpetrated against the people of Europe, particularly against the Jews. The film includes shots of slave laborers in concentration camps, victims of Nazi inhumanity dying inside gas chambers, the charred remains of bodies in ovens, and warped medical experiments that were performed on healthy “patients” by death camp doctors. “Nurnberg” was produced in Germany to show the German people the full extent of Nazi brutality. This version, with English narration, was distributed by the U.S. Army.
2. FLIEGER AM FEIND (A Nazi Newsreel) (c. 1944-Germany). Nazi Luftwaffe (air force) pilots demonstrate bombing techniques. With a motion picture camera placed in the cockpit, flyers in gas masks are shown preparing to attack urban targets. The film records the loading of bombs onto airplanes, a take-off of a group of bombers, in- flight shots of actual bombings, and attacks on AlIies’ airplanes. Featured are expertly-filmed aerial shots of Luftwaffe maneuvers and subsequent on-ground military procedures to use aerial photographs made by the pilots during their flights. Authentic Luftwaffe songs accompanies the film. 35 minutes total. Documentary