Night Patrol, The

3030. THE NIGHT PATROL (1926-USA). With RICHARD TALMADGE. Popular and prolific action movie star Richard Talmadge acquits himself nicely in this thrilling adventure drama. He stars as Tom Collins, a Los Angeles police sergeant whose father also was a member of the force. Unfortunately, the senior Collins lost his life in the line of duty. Tom’s mother is forever worrying about him. “Mother, there’s work to be done,” he declares. “Those bank robbers are still free.” Louise, the girl-next-door who is sweet on Tom, has lately become worried about her weak-willed kid brother Jim. It seems that Jim has developed a mile-wide chip on his shoulder and an insatiable thirst for easy money. He is hanging around with a bad crowd and refuses to take Tom’s advice to straighten himself out. Before you can blink, Jim and his pals set out to rob the home of a wealthy jeweler. When the smoke clears, a man is killed and Jim inexplicably finds himself with a hot gun in his pocket. The boy is promptly convicted of murder and sentenced to death. However, Tom is dissatisfied with the verdict. He is convinced that it is a miscarriage of justice and decides to make a closer investigation on his own. To do so, he goes undercover as John Frisco, a wanted criminal. His aim is to infiltrate a criminal gang and uncover the real killer. The film is loaded with stunts and suspense, with some of Talmadge’s eye-popping physical exploits even rivaling those of Douglas Fairbanks! “Silent” film with music score. 56 minutes. “Silent” Adventure