No, No, Nanette

2702. NO, NO, NANETTE (1940-USA). With ANNA NEAGLE, RICHARD CARLSON, VICTOR MATURE, ROLAND YOUNG, HELEN BRODERICK, ZASU PITTS, EVE ARDEN, BILLY GILBERT. Viewers will say “Yes! Yes!” to this joyful rendering of one of Broadway’s most beloved shows. Britain’s most popular musical comedy star, Anna Neagle, traveled to Hollywood to play the classic role of Nanette Smith, a well-intentioned fixer-upper with a sunny disposition and a robust personality. Neagle is joined by a group of Hollywood’s most prominent comedy actors to bring to the screen the fun-filled story of a young woman’s attempt to keep peace in her eccentric family. Nanette comes from an affluent household, but the bank accounts are controlled by her frugal Aunt Susan. Unbeknownst to Aunt Susan, Uncle Jimmy has a mischievous desire to spread happinessÑto pretty young women. When he falls prey to a Russian gold digger named Sonya from Syracuse, Nanelle figures out a clever way to soothe the siren without disturbing Aunt Susan’s purse strings. Lo and behold, just as she settles up with Sonya, along comes Betty from Bridgeport, followed by Kitty from Kansas! While Uncle Jimmy cowers in fear that his wife will learn of his romantic escapades, Nanelte works hard to tidy up Uncle Jimmy’s muddled misadventures. Along the way she meets two equally handsome young men, one a successful Broadway producer and the other a talented artist. Without realizing the pitfalls, Nanette begins the rockiest and most uproarious romantic adventure of her young life as she is courted by the two very willing and determined beaus. This slylish production translates into first-rate film fun as the comical high jinks and tuneful score combine to make an entertaining treat. 97 minutes. Musical Comedy