Northwest Trail

1452. NORTHWEST TRAIL (1945-usa). WITH Bob Steele, Joan Woodbury, John Litel, Raymond Hatton, Madge Bellamy, Charles Middleton. Bob Steele is well cast as a sturdy, heroic Royal Canadian Mounted Police trooper, who takes on the most hazardous assignment of his career: escorting tart-tongued loan Woodbury across the wilderness. She’s carrying $20,000 in cash, which she must deliver to her uncle as soon as possible so that he may pay off his employees. Along they way, the pair must conÂtend with an assortment of hazards; howling wolves; lame horses; thievery; and some quick-on-the-trigger killers, one of whom boasts that “there’s one too many Mounties in the valley to suit me.” Yet the plot doesÂn’t even begin to thicken until after Steele and Woodbury arrive at their destination. This action Western features an unusually solid cast of dependable supporting players and is in glorious black & white despite being “filmed in Cinecolor.” 61 minutes. Western