Nostalgia World War II Video Library #10

1. SAN PIETRO (THE BATTLE OF SAN PIETRO) (1945-USA). Directed, scripted and narrated by JOHN HUSTON. San Pietroisan ancient farming community, lying at the threshold of the strategically located Liri Valley in the Italian midlands. The valley is a wide, flat corridor enclosed between four walls of mountains. In peacetime, it is an ideal spot for olive groves, corn and wheat crops. In wartime, however, it is something else: from October through December, 1943, the valley and the village were the setting for some of the bloodiest, costliest fighting of World War ll’s Italian campaign. San Pietro, is a chillingly realistic, deservedly famous documentary record of the assault on the valley by the 143rd Regiment of the 36th Texas Infantry Division. Huston effectively details the military strategy involved in the action; he captures the actual fighting, and its effects on the war-weary foot soldier, in images you will not soon forget. 2 STORY OF A TRANSPORT (1945-USA). Produced by the U.S. Coast Guard. Narrators include JACKS BECK. While not actually engaged in combat, transport ships were vital to America’s World War II effort. They were entrusted with the all-important task of transporting troops, as well as millions of tons of equipment, overseas battlegrounds. This fascinating documentary highlights the safety and speed by which these transports operated. The focus is on the specifics of one troop transports crossing through the dangerous waters of the Atlantic, and its return carrying prisoners of war. This particular ship was a former luxury liner (the U.S.S. Manhattan, christened by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt!); included is newsreel footage of its European voyages during the 1930sÑone of which, ironically, was to Nazi Germany. 59 minutes total. Propaganda