Nostalgia World War II Video Library #6

191. NOSTALGIA WORLD WAR II VIDEO LIBRARY #6 (1942, 1944, 1946-USA) Japanese aggression: bold, impressive, and evil. But the brave people of China, the United States and the Allies strike back-and the stories of their courage are forcefully told in these eloquent documentaries. 1.INSIDE FIGHTING CHINA (1942-USA). Informative, well-made and absorbing presentation of Japanese imperialism, during the decade that began with Japan’s brutal Invasion of Manchuria, China in 1931 (documented through excellent footage). While the world is too preoccupied with economic problems to act, or even notice, Japan builds its military might, and draws up plans for the conquest of Asia and Europe. China, led by Chiang Kai Shek, fights back! Now, after Pearl Harbor, we must learn from China’s tactics and follow her example as a militant democracy: “Today, the 400 million people of China, blasting new military highways through their ancient hills, carving out new airports to strike at Tokyo itself, are holding up before all the United Nations the very pattern of a modern fighting state, mobilized in total effort, total sacrifice!”
2. TARGET: JAPAN (1944-USA). Produced for the U.S. Navy by The March of Time. The incredible story of our recovery from Pearl HarborÑrebuilding our fleet, within two years, into “the most powerful navy the world has ever known.” Behind us, victories in the Coral Sea, the Aleutians, Midway, Tarawa, the MarshalIs, and finally the Philippines. Ahead of us, hard and bitter fighting, and the enormous task of bridging the considerable distance (2000 miles) between the Philippines and Tokyo. Very Impressive scenes of amphibious craft, new weapons (rockets, jet planes), a huge task force headed toward Japan, and combat on the Saipan and Guam. We still need many more weapons, ships and planes, to keep moving across the Pacific, “to strike the death blow against Japan.”
3. THE FLEET THAT CAME TO STAY (1946-USA). Produced for the Treasury Department by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Directed by BUDD BOETTICHER. The war is over, and this exceptionally ambitious film covers many events and much territory as it documents the final navy battles with Japan: “Into this struggle we threw the greatest concentration of ships and men in all history. That we were victorious is still further tribute to the fighting courage of your sons, your husbands and fathers.” Thrilling shots and realistic sound effects thrust us into the heart of battle. Fast-moving aerial footage as we bombard a Japanese carrier: incredible shots of kamikazes crashing into our ships (“a struggle between men who want to die and men who fight to live”); night scenes, the sky ablaze with explosions. There was no retreat. This was the fleet that came to stay-that had to stay.” For many days, the weary men fight off Japanese planesÑputting out fires, rebuilding destroyed ships, suffering thousands of casualties. As news comes of V-E Day, home seems a little nearer, but the war in the Pacific goes on. Finally, we are triumphant, thanks to the brave men, and to the homefront effort. “Now we must remain strong, to guard that freedom bought at such fearful cost. Freedom comes high-in men and in dollars. Buy Bonds in the Victory Loan Drivel” 52 minutes total. Propaganda