Nothing Sacred

895. NOTHING SACRED (1937-usa). Color. WITH Carole Lombard, fredric march, CHARLES WINNINGER, WALTER CONNOLLY, FRANK FAY, MAXIE ROSENBLOOM, MARCARET HAMII TON, THE RAYMOND SCOTT QUINTET. Original music by OSCAR LEVANT. Screenplay by BEN HECH” The madcap journalism name is in a mad whirl once again, when a beautiful young lady from Warsaw, Vermont, named Hazel Flagg, is found to be dying from radium poisoning. Brought to New York City, when lying, cheating and stealing were invented and elevated to a fine art. We discover Hazel isn’t dying after all. As a matter Of fact she never was, but that’s not important as long as she sells lots Of newspapers before she kicks Off. The story takes place back in the days when men were men and reporters would do anything for scoop. The ideal human interest story about a beautiful dying woman was a journalist’s dream. Complications follow when: A. He falls in love with the girl; B. He finds out she’s not really dying; C. Everyone else finds out she’s not really dying; D. All Of the above! A chic, sophisticated comedy from New York City, the Land Of the $3 Dollar Bill. 70 minutes. Comedy