Officer 444

1967. 0FFICER “444” (1926-USA). 10 Episode Goodwill Pictures serial. With BEN WILSON, NEVA GERBER. Directed and scripted by FRANCIS FORD. Haverlyite is an amazing chemical discovery that has astounded the scientific world, and is named for its creator, elderly James J. Haverly. In the hands of responsible citizens, Haverlyite means Life, but if its formula comes into the possession of wretched criminals, it is certain to result in only one thing: Death! Said crooks are a wicked gang headed by a mysterious, heavily disguised master hoodlum known as ‘The Frog.” Their adversary is Robert Preston Brownley (Officer 444). He’s a daredevil policeman assigned to his force’s “Flying Squadron.” Officer 444 is beloved by all law-abiding citizens, especially children. He goes into action upon learning of a deadly fire at the Haverly Chemical Plant. Despite his effort, the blaze results in the demise of old man Haverly. Now only his son knows the Haverlyite formula but, as you will see, the young man becomes ever so slightly incapacitated. Rest assured that trusty Officer 444 will go anywhere and do anything necessary to save the junior Haverly, and bust ÒThe Frog” and his cronies. The villains, beginning with The Frog,” are genuinely creepy, and there also is a pretty heroine: Gloria Grey, Emergency Hospital nurse. The serial’s director, the older brother of John Ford, commenced his screen career as an actor way back in 1907. Six years later, he began directing along with appearing in front of the camera, and was most expert at staging action-adventure films. He served as his sibling’s teacher; after his directorial career waned, he became a frequent presence in his brother’s films, cast in character roles. “Silent” film with music score. 212 minutes. Serial