Origins Of Cinema: Volume II

2164. THE ORIGINS OF CINEMA VOLUME II: FILMS OF AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE AND BIOGRAPH (1903 to 190S-USA). Fifteen short films released by pioneering production companies. “The Dude and The Burglars” (1903), “The Story Of The Biograph Told” (1904), “Personal,” one of the first “chase” films (1904), “The Widow and The Only Man” (1904), “The Lonely Child” (1904), “The Suburbanite” (1904), “Tom, Tom, The Piper’s Son,” “the original chase film” (1905), “An Acadian Elopement” (1907), “Grandpa’s Reading Glass” (1902), “Mr. Hurry-Up Of New York” (1907) (makes excellent use of trick effects), “The Tired Tailor’s Dream” (1907), “The Sculptor’s Nightmare” (1908) (a stop-motion film, look for Mack Sennett’s first on-cam- era appearance, he’s wearing a dark suit, cigar and bowler), “A Search For Evidence” (1903), “The Moonshiner” note the camerawork! (1904), “The Hero Of Liao Yang (1904) look for the camera movements and special effects. “Silent” films with music. 101 minutes total. ÒSilentÓ Comedies and Dramas