Origins Of Cinema: Volume III

2167. THE ORIGINS OF CINEMA VOLUME III: THE FILMS OF AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE AND BIOGRAPH MATURE (1905 to 1908). Twelve short films released by pioneering production companies, featuring the camera work of Billy Bitzer (who would later achieve fame with D.W. Griffith) and F.A. Dobson. “The Nihilists” (1905), “The Mystery Of TP Missing Jewel Casket” (1905) with photography by both Bitzer and Dobson, “A Kentucky Feud’ photographed by Billy Bitzer, “The Silver Wedding” (1906), “The Black Hand” (1906), “The Paymaster” (1906), “The Tunnel Workers” (1906), “The Skyscrapers Of New York (1906), “The Boy Detective” (1908) Note the many different camera angles!, “Her First Adventure” (1908), “Caught By Wireless” 11908), “At The French Ball” (1908) Look for D.W. Griffith as one of the actors! “Silent” films with music. 94 minutes total. ÒSilentÓ Dramas