Outlaw, The

820. THE OUTLAW (1941-usa). With Jane Russell, Thomas Mitchell, Walter Huston, Jack BEUTEL. Produced and directed by Howard Hughes. Musical Direction by Victor Young. The screen debut of Jane Russell (who Bob Hope once introduced as “the two and only”). She is an obvious stroke of genius by the billionaire-to-be Mr. Hughes. The furor raised by the sensuality of Jane’s cleavage was priceless publicity for the film, and in fact launched her career. “The Outlawร“ is a story of the untamed west. Frontier days when the reckless use of guns and passions blazed an era of death, destruction and lawlessness. Days when the fiery desert sun beat down avengingly on the many who dared defy justice and outrage decency.” A story of Sheriff Pat Garrett, Doc Holliday and Billy The Kid, three remarkable gentlemen of the old frontier. The fast draw sequences are faster than the eye can follow; the action is well paced and engrossing. A truly memorable saga of the West, the distraction caused by Jane Russell not withstanding. (Although completed and briefly exhibited in 1941, the film was not released for an extended run until January of 1950!) A haunting theme song also helped make this one of the top grossing westerns of all time. 105 minutes Western