Outpost In Morocco

2244. OUTP0ST IN MOROCCO (1949-USA). WITH George Raft, Marie Windsor, AKIM TAMIROFF, JOHN LITEL. Directed by ROBERT FLOREY. French-born director Robert Florey was an expert at imbuing his films with color and atmosphere. Such is the case in this hugely entertaining action-adventure, which benefits from on-location filming in “the most advanced outpost in South Morocco.” It opens in the regional headquarters of the French Colonial Army (French Foreign Legion to you). The stalwart hero is Captain Paul Gerard, who is ordered on a seemingly innocuous but potentially dangerous mission. His job is to head a convoy that will escort Cara, an emir’s daughter, to her father’s enclave in Bel-Rashad (which also is known as the “Forbidden City for Frenchmen”). Gerard is to additionally check out rumors regarding a possible uprising among the various native tribes. The film is crammed with romance, as Gerard and the sultry Cara become emotionally involved. There is humor, mostly in the person of Gerard’s comical aide. Finally there is intrigue as the emir plots to take up arms against the French, and plenty of action as he commences following through on his plans. Veteran star George Raft is cast as Gerard. He started his career as a hoofer. In one scene near the beginning, he shows that he was still able to Strike an elegant pose On the dance floor. 91 minutes. Adventure