
259. PAGLIACCI (1937-England). With RICHABD TAUBER, STEFFI DUNA, DIANA NAPIER, ARTHUR MARGETSON, ESMOND KNIGHT. From the opera by RUGGIERO LEONCAVALLO. Music arranged by HANS EISLER, directed by ALBERT COATES. SUNC IN ENGLISH. The great tenor Richard Tauber gives a magnificent perforÂmance as the saddest Of all clowns, in this compelling English-language version Of Leoncavallo’s immortal opera. Tauber plays Signor Canto the aging impresario Of a colorful group Of traveling performers. Canto’s wife, the troupe’s star singer- dancer, falls in love with the handsome young soldier Silvio, who would risk everything-even desert the army-to be with the beautiful woman. Realizing that his wife no longer loves him, Canto-wearing his clown costume and sitting alone in the dressing room -delivers the opera’s most famous aria, expressing his utter pain and sorrow. Then, appearÂing onstage, he unleashes the full fury Of his jealousy and anger, leading to a tragic outburst Of violence. The film’s Often flamboyant camera techniques transform it into a real movie instead Of merely a recording Of a stage performance. A beautifully made adaptation Of one Of the most beloved operas Of all time. 79 minutes. Opera